Preparing fresh seasonal meals can be really simple, fast, economical and delicious when you take the right steps to set yourself up for success. Use these basic guidelines to stock your kitchen and pantry. And don't forget to check out our free recipe and storage tip database.
Kitchen Tools // We recommend stocking your kitchen with some basic tools so that you are ready to start cooking vegetables from your CSA box.
SALAD SPINNER rinse dirt off fresh green and spin dry for longer storage.
VEGETABLE BRUSH all roots are certified organic, swap your peeler for a good vegetable brush to remove any persistent dirt.
COLANDER great for holding veggies in the sink while you give them a final rinse and brush to remove any excess dirt.
KNIVES, CHEF & PARING all you need to do basic cutting and chopping. make sure they fit comfortably in your hand.
CUTTING BOARD go for the largest size possible that can fit for cleaning in your kitchen sink. bamboo is a great choice.
LARGE SKILLET 10-12 inch pan with high sides. we recommend a well seasoned cast iron pan as the verdict is out on the health ramifications of many non-stick coatings. can also be used in the oven for roasting.
UTENSILS long wooden spoon for stirring, a medium wire whisk for mixing sauces and dressings, metal tongs for picking up hot items, metal spatula for flipping and turning, and a rubber or silicone scraper for cleaning the sides of a bowl
PLASTIC PRODUCE BAGS a clean produce bag will extend the shelf life of most produce because it traps in moisture
SAUCE PAN you may want a few sizes. great for boiling veggies, making tomato sauce or cooking grains
MEASURING CUPS & SPOONS after a while you may stop using these for everything but baking, but they are helpful until you become more adventurous
FOOD PROCESSOR great for making pesto, sauces and shredding veggies
SHEET PAN we recommend a half size(18 x 13 inches) stainless steal. great for roasting veggies. there are whole cookbooks dedicated to sheet pan meals. use parchment paper for non-stick surface and easy clean up.
BIG BOWLS a 6 to 8 quart bowl is really helpful for mixing up and serving a big salad.
STOCKPOT advanced CSA members use vegetable scraps to make their own soup stock to freeze for later use.
QUART AND GALLON FREEZER BAGS extra veggies can be frozen in freezer bags for later use.
QUART & PINT MASON JARS wide mouth jars work great for storing leftovers in the fridge.
IMMERSION BLENDER an essential for the serious soup maker because it purees the veggies right in the soup pot. a real time saver.
SALAD SPINNER rinse dirt off fresh green and spin dry for longer storage.
VEGETABLE BRUSH all roots are certified organic, swap your peeler for a good vegetable brush to remove any persistent dirt.
COLANDER great for holding veggies in the sink while you give them a final rinse and brush to remove any excess dirt.
KNIVES, CHEF & PARING all you need to do basic cutting and chopping. make sure they fit comfortably in your hand.
CUTTING BOARD go for the largest size possible that can fit for cleaning in your kitchen sink. bamboo is a great choice.
LARGE SKILLET 10-12 inch pan with high sides. we recommend a well seasoned cast iron pan as the verdict is out on the health ramifications of many non-stick coatings. can also be used in the oven for roasting.
UTENSILS long wooden spoon for stirring, a medium wire whisk for mixing sauces and dressings, metal tongs for picking up hot items, metal spatula for flipping and turning, and a rubber or silicone scraper for cleaning the sides of a bowl
PLASTIC PRODUCE BAGS a clean produce bag will extend the shelf life of most produce because it traps in moisture
SAUCE PAN you may want a few sizes. great for boiling veggies, making tomato sauce or cooking grains
MEASURING CUPS & SPOONS after a while you may stop using these for everything but baking, but they are helpful until you become more adventurous
FOOD PROCESSOR great for making pesto, sauces and shredding veggies
SHEET PAN we recommend a half size(18 x 13 inches) stainless steal. great for roasting veggies. there are whole cookbooks dedicated to sheet pan meals. use parchment paper for non-stick surface and easy clean up.
BIG BOWLS a 6 to 8 quart bowl is really helpful for mixing up and serving a big salad.
STOCKPOT advanced CSA members use vegetable scraps to make their own soup stock to freeze for later use.
QUART AND GALLON FREEZER BAGS extra veggies can be frozen in freezer bags for later use.
QUART & PINT MASON JARS wide mouth jars work great for storing leftovers in the fridge.
IMMERSION BLENDER an essential for the serious soup maker because it purees the veggies right in the soup pot. a real time saver.